"Black Snake" (played by Uma Thurman) continues her journey of revenge from the previous installment. She learns that the former bodyguard of Bill,"Rattlesnake," has retired and now lives in Austin, Texas. Sneaking into the trailer where"Rattlesnake" resides at night, she falls into a trap and is shot in the chest and drugged by him."Rattlesnake" buries"Black Snake" alive in a coffin. However, using the time manipulation techniques taught by her mentor, White Brow, she manages to escape from the coffin. When she returns to the trailer where"Rattlesnake" lives, she discovers that he and another target,"California Snake," are in the midst of a deal involving the sword she carries with her. In the midst of the fight, the venomous snake released by"California Snake" bites and kills"Rattlesnake."Finally,"Black Snake" confronts Bill and reveals the truth behind her entire family being killed.