






    In Treatment, 一 HBO从以色列引进剧,从2008—2010共三季。此剧几乎全程呈现了心理医生的同来访者的谈话过程;来访者斗智,心理医生移情。全剧几乎无外景,无背景音乐;所有的呈现只是两人或多人间的对话。剧情也设计心理医生与其督导师的谈话,丰满了这个焦虑无比又热爱自己工作的主角形象同时借主角之口说出了此行业一些无奈与无解之事。一个心理医师,四位来访者:1.20年前来访者,如今的女强人式剩女,困惑于怎么就是嫁不出去;缘由指向于儿时由于有一个产后抑郁的妈妈而过分完美化自己的父亲。2.一位刚刚得知患有癌症即将毕业的大学女生却不愿将自己的病情告诉父母且拒绝治疗;缘由指向于她有一个自闭症弟弟。3.十二三岁男孩,父母刚刚离婚,认为父母的争吵及离异都是由于自己的过错,且由此承受过多的压力,肥胖,影响学校生活。4.一大企业CEO,七十岁老头儿,企业产品吃死了人,而过度自责,企图自杀;其缘由指向于其儿时间接的导致了哥哥的意外死亡,而在接下来的五十年中一直无意识地用赎罪的方式去做事。5.主人公心理医师,儿时父母离异,母亲早妄,一直痛恨父亲;直到在其督导师的帮助下,才认识到母亲患有的严重的狂躁抑郁症是其父母婚姻破裂的原因,从而原谅父亲,而此时父亲也过世了。观后感:生娃有风险,离婚需谨慎。以下是剧中对话里一些实用口语:这是你的自我欺骗,幻觉. That is your mantra. 你说呢?(你同意这个建议吗?) What do you say? 我状态不太好。 I am not at my most jovial. 我们有机会会谈到这点的。 We will be making that point if it gets that far. 我说不出口。 I cannot get the words out of my mouth. 接下来的你都知道了。 The rest is history. 我说清楚了不? Does it make sense?定些大规矩 Set some ground rules 你说够了没有! For crying out loud. 要不是记得没错的话, If I memory serves,…我挺厚脸皮的。 I am thick-skinned. 我就不多废话了。 Let’s leave all that tommy-rot out of it. 能者多劳 Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. 别敷衍我。 You do not have to mollycoddle me. 做好自己的事儿。 Play the cards you dealt. 开玩笑,没有恶意。 Just joking, no offense. 别抢我话 Stop putting words in my mouth. 谁想青黄不接呢? Who wants to have a leaky roof? 我知道我本不该问。 I know I am not supposed to ask. 理论上还是有可能的。 It is still theoretically possible. 还有完没完?(吵架) How does that take? 我实在坐不住了。 I cannot concentrate at all. 你能回避一下吗? Could I have a moment? 说漏嘴了。 It slipped out. 事情经常就是这样的。 This is what always happens. 这就是你想要的结果吗? Is this really how you wanted everything to turn out? 我们成了众矢之的。 We’ve get a target on our backs. 可千万别… God forbid… 这事儿让你感觉怎么样? What emotions does it bring up for you? 我什么也没有想. Nothing has occurred to me. 我开始想入非非了. I thought I was beginning to enjoy myself. 我一定是说中要害了。 I must have hit a nerve. 我全无思绪。 I was out of ideas. 我要疯掉了。 I lose my mind. 你说起来轻巧. When you say it, it makes sense. 有什么大不了的? What’s the big deal? 跟你没法交谈. There is no discussion with you. 事情就是这样的. That is the way it works. 这不是我风格。 That is not the way I operate. 这逻辑上说不通。 It just doesn’t add up. 他什么都不关心。 He just didn’t give a shit. 你关心的是这个吗? Is that your attention? 别自恋了。 Do not flatter yourself. 出去找找乐子 Go on a spree 太狗血了 That’s textbook. 想想你要说什么? Just stay with the thoughts. 今儿你说的有些直白,不是吗? Kind of blunt today, aren’t you? 她需要发泄 She needs to vent. 你说的不算,我说的算。 You are not calling the shots now, I am. 乌云散去。(情况有所好转) The clouds lifted. 留下烂摊子给我妻子。 I would never leave a mess like that for my wife to clean up. 好像整个世界都和他过不去似的。 The entire universe were conspiring against him. 一些东西你一直想不通。 It’s something you don’t get over. 这可不是好兆头。 That is not a good sign. 她震惊了! Her mouth just sort of hit the floor. 我交朋友讲原则。 I have good taste in people. 他知道如何把你惹毛。 He certainly know how to push your buttons. 我的娃很调皮不服管教。 My kid was acting up. 我弟弟告诉了我妈,然后事儿就麻烦了。 My brother told my mother and shit hit the fan. 你有大麻烦了。 You are in over your head. 我不想例行公事。 I do want to go through the motions. 她要崩溃了。 She is gonna go to pieces. 我觉得筋疲力尽了。 I feel pretty wiped out. 你为什么替她说话? Why are you taking her side? 我告诉你,你会后悔的。 I am telling you, you will regret it. 你可真是一被夸就不舒服啊. You have a hard time taking a compliment. 我直言不讳了啊? Can I be blunt? 你为什么拍我马屁. Why are you sucking up to me? 多待一天都是煎熬。 Another day is an eternity. 不要再掩饰了。 Drop the façade. 我想知道这样的代价。 I wonder about what about the toll that it is taking. 在道德的制高点上 On the high moral ground. 我想我有所起色了。(找到问题所在) I thought I’ve hit the bottom. 为什么我又重提旧事? Why was I creating problems bringing up ancient history? 你对此有什么看法? What you make of that? 我们当时太傻了,以为… We are so deluded, thought…… 我只是突然觉得…… It just occur to me that…… 事实上还没有这么惨。 It doesn’t have to be that bleak.

